Saturday, July 25, 2015

MEDICINE : Important Information About Vitamin D!

Important Information About Vitamin D!

Vitamin D prevents osteoporosis, depression, prostate cancer, breast cancer,and even effects diabetes and obesity. 
Vitamin D is perhaps the single most underrated nutrient in the world of nutrition. That's probably because it's free: your body makes it when sunlight touches your skin. 
Fifteen facts that are important to know about vitamin D and sunlight exposure:
1. Vitamin D is produced by your skin in response to exposure to ultraviolet radiation from natural sunlight. 
2. The healing rays of natural sunlight (that generate vitamin D in your skin) cannot penetrate glass. So you don't generate vitamin D when sitting in your car or home. 
4. A person would have to drink ten tall glasses of vitamin D fortified milk each day just to get minimum levels of vitamin D into their diet. 
5. The further you live from the equator, the longer exposure you need to the sun in order to generate vitamin D. Canada, the UK and most U.S. States are far from the equator. 
6. People with dark skin pigmentation may need 20 - 30 times as much exposure to sunlight as fair-skinned people to generate the same amount of vitamin D. That's why prostate cancer is epidemic among black men - it's a simple, but widespread, sunlight deficiency. 
7. Sufficient levels of vitamin D are crucial for calcium absorption in your intestines. Without sufficient vitamin D, your body cannot absorb calcium, rendering calcium supplements useless. 
8. Chronic vitamin D deficiency cannot be reversed overnight: it takes months of vitamin D supplementation and sunlight exposure to rebuild the body's bones and nervous system. 
9. Even weak sunscreens (SPF=8) block your body's ability to generate vitamin D by 95%. This is how sunscreen products actually cause disease -by creating a critical vitamin deficiency in the body.
10. It is impossible to generate too much vitamin D in your body from sunlight exposure: your body will self-regulate and only generate what it needs. 
11. If it hurts to press firmly on your sternum, you may be suffering from chronic vitamin D deficiency right now. 
12. Vitamin D is "activated" in your body by your kidneys and liver before it can be used. 
13. Having kidney disease or liver damage can greatly impair your body's ability to activate circulating vitamin D. 
14. The sunscreen industry doesn't want you to know that your body actually needs sunlight exposure because that realization would mean lower sales of sunscreen products. 
15. Even though vitamin D is one of the most powerful healing chemicals in your body, your body makes it absolutely free. No prescription required. 
On the issue of sunlight exposure, by the way, it turns out that super antioxidants greatly boost your body's ability to handle sunlight without burning. Astaxanthin is one of the most powerful "internal sunscreens" and can allow you to stay under the sun twice as long without burning. 
Other powerful antioxidants with this ability include the super fruits like Acai, Pomegranates (POM Wonderful juice), blueberries, etc. 
Diseases and conditions cause by vitamin D deficiency:
* Osteoporosis is commonly caused by a lack of vitamin D, which greatly impairs calcium absorption. 
* Sufficient vitamin D prevents prostate cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, depression, colon cancer and schizophrenia. 
* "Rickets" is the name of a bone-wasting disease caused by vitamin D deficiency. 
* Vitamin D deficiency may exacerbate type 2 diabetes and impair insulin production in the pancreas.
* Obesity impairs vitamin D utilization in the body, meaning obese people need twice as much vitamin D. 
* Vitamin D is used around the world to treat Psoriasis.
* Vitamin D deficiency can cause schizophrenia. 
* Seasonal Affective Disorder is caused by a melatonin imbalance initiated by lack of exposure to sunlight. 
* Chronic vitamin D deficiency is often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia because its symptoms are so similar: muscle weakness, aches and pains. 
* Your risk of developing serious diseases like diabetes and cancer is reduced 50% - 80% through simple, sensible exposure to natural sunlight 2-3 times each week. 
* Infants who receive vitamin D supplementation (2000 units daily) have an 80% reduced risk of developing type 1 diabetes over the next twenty years. 
Shocking Vitamin D deficiency statistics:
* 32% of doctors and med school students are vitamin D deficient. 
* 40% of the U.S. population is vitamin D deficient. 
* 42% of African American women of childbearing age are deficient in vitamin D. 
* Up to 60% of all hospital patients are vitamin D deficient. 
* 76% of pregnant mothers are severely vitamin D deficient, causing widespread vitamin D deficiencies in their unborn children, which predisposes them to type 1 diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia later in life. 81% of the children born to these mothers were deficient. 
* Up to 80% of nursing home patients are vitamin D deficient. 

WW II : Judy: The Dog Who Became A Prisoner of War



Judy: The Dog Who Became A Prisoner of War

First published:
Part of:
Canine hero Judy stole the nation's heart when she saved thousands of lives during the Second World War.
She saved countless lives, survived sinking ships and spent several years in internment camps – so it’s little wonder Judy the dog became one of the most famous and unlikely heroes of the Second World War.
The pure-bred liver and white-coloured pointer stole the hearts of the nation in 1945 when news of her exploits and time served as an official Prisoner of War were revealed to the public. She returned to Britain, along with thousands of Allied troops, following Victory over Japan Day (VJ Day), which is being remembered this year on 15 August for the 70th anniversary.
Judy was the ship’s mascot on board the gunboat HMS Gnat in 1936, part of the defence fleet in the Far East. Animals would often be adopted by warships as mascots to help with security, pest control and companionship for those on board. Initial attempts to train Judy as a gundog for shooting parties ashore were a failure and she would often end up falling overboard, forcing the ship to come to a stop to retrieve her.
But before long Judy proved her worth to the ship’s company. She alerted the sailors to the presence of river pirates, who would have done them harm in the darkness, and could point out the approach of hostile Japanese aircraft using her superior sense of hearing.
Years later, Judy transferred to the gunboat HMS Grasshopper, which in 1942 was attacked by Japanese aircraft forcing all those on board to abandon ship and head to the nearest land – an island in the South China Sea.
With no fresh water supply to be found, the situation looked grim for the survivors of HMS Grasshopper and HMS Dragonfly, another British ship whose sailors ended up stranded on the island. But once again, Judy’s instincts saved the lives of her compatriots.
Leonard Walter Williams, a British seaman who served on board HMS Grasshopper, recalled his memories of Judy in an interview for the Imperial War Museum.
He said:
We landed on the island and naturally water was short. Judy was lost one day and we couldn’t find her so we went to search for her and she had found a patch where she dug a big hole and she had found fresh water for the survivors of the Dragonfly and Grasshopper.
Judy was a saviour then. She was a marvellous life-saver.
Judy and the men trekked for hundreds of miles in a bid to reach safety at Padang in Sumatra, but missed the last evacuation ship as the Japanese were due to invade the city at any moment.
At the arrival of the enemy forces, the survivors of the bombing of the Grasshopper were taken into custody as Prisoners of War – along with Judy – and taken to a camp in Medan, in North Sumatra.
Judy in quarantine kennels
Judy in quarantine kennels [Credit: PDSA]
It was at this camp in Medan in August 1942 that Judy bonded with Leading Aircraftman Frank Williams, from Portsmouth. The young British sailor shared his meagre rice ration with Judy and from that moment she never left his side.
Judy protected Frank and the other Prisoners of War by distracting the camp guards when they were dealing out punishment to their captives.
Later, the Prisoners of War were told they would be heading to Singapore on board the SS Van Warwyck – but the Japanese would not allow Judy to board the boat with them and ordered she be left behind.
Leonard Williams, of no relation to Frank, recalled:
We weren’t going to have that happen. Judy had been with us all that time.
So we had a sack and we would train her to hop in the sack at a given signal and then we would put her on our shoulders. Judy was put in the sack and we carried her on board.
The next day, on 26 June 1944, the SS Van Warwyck was torpedoed by a British submarine, unaware the vessel was being used to transport Allied prisoners of war. Of the estimated 700 prisoners on board, 500 were killed – but amid the fires and wreckage, Judy emerged unscathed.
Mr Williams added:
When we were torpedoed we heeled over and luckily Judy was by a port hole.
We opened the port hole and Judy was pushed through and she ran down the ship’s side.
Quite a few of us were lucky to get out at that particular time. A lot of people owe their lives to Judy. She was pushing pieces of wood towards people who couldn’t swim.
Eventually the survivors swam towards a Japanese tanker and climbed up the nets on its side. Judy too was hauled aboard, but the Japanese guards were not happy to see the dog, who they knew should never have been on board the ship. They declared they would have her killed as soon as they reached land.
However, as the execution was due to take place, the former commander of the prisoner of war camp they have travelled from in Medan intervened. He had taken a liking to Judy and to ensure her safety, ordered she be listed as an official Prisoner of War – making her protected from execution and eligible for rations.
Judy was reunited with Frank and remained with him throughout the war, surviving several camp moves as well as gunshot wounds, alligator bites and attacks from wild dogs before the Japanese surrender in August 1945.
Judy receiving her PDSA Dickin Medal in 1946 [Credit: PDSA]
Judy receiving her PDSA Dickin Medal in 1946 [Credit: PDSA]
Once back home in Britain, Judy was met with national adoration. She was presented with the PDSA Dickin Medal – known as the animals’ Victoria Cross – which is the highest honour an animal can receive. It recognises the bravery and devotion shown by animals serving in time of military conflict.
She received a citation that would make any human soldier, sailor or airman proud. It read: “For magnificent courage and endurance in Japanese prison camps, which helped maintain morale among fellow prisoners and also saving many lives through intelligence and watchfulness.”
Judy remained with Frank and died on 17 February 1960. She was buried in Tanzania, where Frank was working at the time. As a last tribute to his companion, Frank built a monument at the grave and attached a large metal plaque, which records the history of Judy’s life and all her daring feats.

VJ Day 70

Her Majesty The Queen and members of The Royal Family will attend a series of events on Saturday 15 August 2015 in London to commemorate the 70th anniversary of VJ Day.
Members of the public are being encouraged to support this anniversary by lining Whitehall in Central London to watch a spectacular flypast of historic and modern military aircraft, view the drumhead service taking place in Horse Guards Parade on big screens, and cheer on the veterans as they parade supported by military bands and current personnel.
Visit VJ Day 70 for more information about the event and how you can take part. You can also join the conversation online by following #VJDay70.

Other Notable Dickin Medal Recipients

Since the first Dickin Medal in 1943 the PDSA has conferred the award on almost 100 animals including dogs, pigeons, horses and a cat.
  • Bing – an Alsatian patrol dog with the 13th Parachute Battalion in the Second World War. In addition to patrol duties, Bing was a ‘fully-qualified Paratrooper’ and joined the battalion when they jumped over Normandy on D Day, 6 June 1944.
  • Billy – a pigeon which delivered a message from a force-landed bomber, while in ‘a state of complete collapse’ and under bad weather conditions while serving with the Royal Air Force. Billy was given the Dickin Medal in August 1945.
  • Simon – the ship’s cat of HMS Amethyst during the Yangtze Incident. Simon disposed of many rats despite being wounded by shrapnel in a blast on board. Simon was awarded the Dickin Medal posthumously in 1949.
  • Treo – a Labrador with the Royal Army Veterinary Corps, Treo located an improvised explosive device (IED) designed to trigger a series of bombs by a roadside soldiers were about to pass. Treo is credited with saving many lives of soldiers from the Royal Irish Regiment and was awarded the Dickin Medal on 24 February 2010.

Military working dogs

During the Second World War, dogs were recruited by the Armed Forces to serve on patrol and as guards. Ships would also often have animals on board as their mascots. The Second World War also saw the first use of mine detection dogs in the British Army. In total, the Army and Ministry of Aircraft Production employed around 3,500 dogs for guard, patrol and mine detection duties.

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Military working dogs continue to serve a role today, ranging from the detection of explosives, weapons and drugs to the defence of military personnel and property.

There is a memorial in Hyde Park, London, to animals involved in conflict called the Animals in War Memorial. It was unveiled in November 2004 by Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal



Dear Fellow Veterans,

 Following Press Release has been sent to the press , let’s see how many publish it .The demonstration appeared to be well covered by the electronic media . Again let’s see the actual


   UNITED FRONT OF EX-SERVICEMEN                                                             

                                 PRESS RELEASE




The Ex-Servicemen had planned a PEACEFUL demonstration against the Defence Minister when he  came  for  inauguration of the Mai Bhago Training Institute on 25 July, at Sector 66, Mohali , for his failure to have the  “ALREADY APPROVED” O.R.O.P. Scheme implemented .

Permission for this demonstration was duly sought . However the Punjab killed the Ex-Servicemen’s right to peaceful demonstration by deploying thousands of policemen in riot gear along with water cannons to prevent them from going anywhere  near the venue of inauguration .

The entire area was converted in to a police fortess and Mohali looked like a town besieged . Being most disciplined and law abiding community,  the Ex-Servicemen did not try to forcedly remove the police barricades, but instead , when stopped in their Assembly Area near Gurudwara Singh Shaheedaan, they converted their march into a Rally against the Defence Minister and started voicing their anger .

They were in their thousands, along with some war widows and the area looked like a sea of black flags.

“ We defeated Pakistan, captured 93,000 prisoners and created a separate country (Bangladesh) in THIRTEEN days flat (04 to16 Dec ‘1971), but the Modi Govt could NOT issue NOTIFICATION for implementation of “Already Approved”  O.R.O.P scheme, despite being in power for over  FOURTEEN months, Draft Govt Letter (DGL) for which was prepared in APRIL 2014 , but to no avail ” , said a Veteran .

  Brig Harwant Singh (Retd) emphasized that their  anger was  NOT against any ‘PERSON’, but against the Govt’s ‘POLICY’ of ENORMOUS DELAY in implementing the   O.R.O.P. It appeared that the Govt had reneged on its promise of granting O.R.O.P,  thus betrayed the Ex-Servicemen, he said.

 Brig KS Kahlon  highlighted that the Defence Minister ,  had often mouthed platitudes for implementing O.R.O.P. “SOON” but  had NOT given a FIRM DATE. When would his  “SOON”  arrive , he asked?

 Despite all the Punjab Govt’s high handedness, the Ex-Servicemen succeeded in showing black flags to the Defence Minister when his entourage was going for lunch along the same road where the Veterans were holding their Rally. It is hoped that he got a firm message about the resentment and anger of the Ex-Servicemen and would do something
to convert his “SOON” in to a “FIRM DATE”.

President, the All India Defence Brotherhood (A constituent of the UFESM )
54, Phase -7 , Mohali , (Pb) } . Phones :- 09814432554 and 8054397206


RELIGION - The Buddha - PBS Documentary - Perfect Documentary


                             The Buddha
 - PBS Documentary - Perfect Documentary


Published on Feb 27, 2015
The Buddha - The Story of Siddhartha Gautama is a documentary for PBS by award-winning filmmaker David Grubin and narrated by Richard Gere, tells the story o.

This documentary by award-winning filmmaker David Grubin and narrated by Richard Gere, tells the story of the Buddha's life, a journey especially relevant to.

Download: The history of Buddhism is the story of one man's spiritual journey to Enlightenment, and of the teachings .

The Buddha is a PBS documentary that tackles the history, facts, philosophy, beliefs and biography of the founder of Buddhism, Siddhartha Gotama. Directed by filmmaker David Grubin with narration by Richard Gere, the film tells the life story of the Buddha, a journey most definitely relevant to our personal staggering times of chaotic change as well as spiritual disorientation. Listen to insights on the historical narrative by modern Buddhists, which includes the wisdom guru, the Dalai Lama and Pulitzer Prize winner, W.S. Merwin regarding the Buddhist’s way of life

This is a PBS Documentary about the life of Siddhartha Gautama. Written and Directed by David Grubin